Accord de Montana

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As Haiti’s Police Retreat, Gangs Take Over Much of the Capital

Even wealthier areas in the capital, Port-au-Prince, are no longer immune to violence as gangs attack police officers and destroy police stations.

One by one, schools and hospitals have closed. Kidnappings are an everyday risk and gang warfare rages openly on the streets. But now, the chaos that has long consumed many parts of Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, has spread: The national police, outgunned, outnumbered, underpaid and demoralized, have ceded control of most of the city to gangs.

Almost no one is safe anymore, analysts and residents say. Even the wealthy who have long looked down at the gang-ridden city from their homes in the mountains above Port-au-Prince are no longer immune.

As Haiti’s Police Retreat, Gangs Take Over Much of the Capital – The New York Times (

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L’Accord du 30 Aout 2021, dit Accord de Montana est un mouvement qui a ouvert la voie, en tout premier lieu, en tant que solution haïtienne à la profonde crise multisectorielle que vit Haïti depuis Juillet 2018.

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Laura Louis

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